Conflict Transformation Workshop

Conflicts are a natural part of life. They are something that we all experience in various ways. Whether it is at home, work, or in our communities, conflicts can significantly impact our well-being and relationships. However, conflicts can also provide opportunities for growth and transformation if effectively managed.

This workshop aims to help you learn how to transform conflicts into opportunities for personal/social growth and positive change. Throughout the workshop, you will discover effective communication strategies, identify the root causes of conflicts, and explore creative solutions. You will also develop self-awareness and empathy as well as a deeper understanding power dynamics and cultural differences. Our goal is to equip you with practical skills for conflict transformation.

Join us on to explore this important topic and leave feeling confident and empowered. We have included participants’ feedback below, which highlights the impact of this workshop. Don’t miss this chance to embark on a transformative journey! 

"The conflict transformation workshop provided a valuable opportunity for me to focus on my own well-being. Through this workshop, I have been more mindful of taking care of myself and pursuing activities that I enjoy, rather than solely prioritizing the needs of my family. I am grateful for the workshop and appreciate your hard work in making it possible."

"I appreciate this workshop for conflict transformation. I am thankful to Anthony and Jessie for your efforts to create positive change, and I hope that more individuals will participate in next workshops. I look forward to attending the next workshop and am optimistic that the passion demonstrated by Anthony and Jessie will inspire others as well."

“When Anthony told me the conflict transformation workshop, I told him, I will attend to the next workshop too. Before the workshop I was thinking about what the conflict was in me. This workshop was a great opportunity to take care of myself. After I attended the workshop, I have a time to look at myself with a more considerate mind, and I realize that I didn’t care of myself. So, I try to do a lot of what I like, not for my family. From now on, I will focus more on myself and spend the days taking care of myself. It’s great to have a workshop like this, and thank you for your hard work.”

“The workshop was meaningful to me and I also enjoyed the emails you sent me. I applaud the efforts of the two of you to voluntarily create good things. We hope that more people will participate in the ongoing workshop as well. I will also attend the next workshops when they will open. I sincerely hope that the enthusiasm of Anthony and Jessie will be conveyed to many people.”

"갈등 전환 워크숍은 제 자신의 삶에 집중할 수 있는 소중한 기회를 제공했습니다. 이번 워크숍을 통해 가족의 필요만을 챙기면서 살아온 저를 돌아보았습니다. 이제부터 저를 사랑하고 제가 좋아하는 것을 하는 것에 대해 더 신경을 쓰게 되었습니다. 워크숍에 감사드리며 이를 가능하게 해준 여러분의 노고에 감사드립니다."

"갈등 전환을 위한 워크숍에 감사합니다. 긍정적인 변화를 만들기 위해 노력해주신 앤서니와 제시에게 감사드리며, 다음 워크숍에는 더 많은 분들이 참여해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다. 다음 워크숍에도 참석할 수 있기를 기대하며 앤서니와 제시가 보여준 열정이 다른 사람들에게도 영감을 줄 수 있을 것이라 확신합니다."

“처음 워크샵을 진행하신다고 하셔서 무조건 참석하겠노라고 답하고 나서 나에게는 갈등이 무엇인가 되돌아 보았습니다.  그 되돌아보는 상태가 나를 보살피는 계기가 되고 다녀온후엔 나를 좀 더 배려하는 마음으로 잘 살펴보고, 내가 좋아하는걸 많이 하려고 노력합니다. 우리가족에게 하는것이 힘든것이 아니라 그들이 흡족해하고 별탈 없는것이 결국은 내가 평화롭게 살수있는 바탕이 되기도 하더라요. 이제부터 좀 더 포커스를 나에게 맞추며 나를 돌보는 나날을 보낼것 같습니다. 이런 워크샵이 있어서 참 좋고, 그리고 두분의 수고에 감사드립니다.”

“워크샵도 의미가 있었고, 또한 보내 주신 관련 이메일도 잘 보았습니다. 좋은 일을 두분이서 자발적으로 만들어 가는 노력에 박수를 보냅니다. 계속되는 워크샵에도 많은 사람들의 참여가 있기를 바랍니다. 저도 필요한 워크샵이 진행되면 또 참석할 예정입니다. 두분의 열성적인 모습이 많은 사람들에게 진심으로 전달되기를 바랍니다.”