Conflict Transformation Workshop, Iowa Grace Church

Saturday, 2pm - 5 pm December 02, 2023

The Conflict Transformation Workshop is designed to impart practical strategies for turning conflicts into opportunities for personal growth.

Conflict is an inherent aspect of life, stemming from the diverse ideas, values, preferences, and attitudes that each individual possesses regarding life’s complexities. However, conflicts within close relationships, such as between spouses, children, couples, and coworkers, often evoke concerns, anxiety, and mental stress. Due to these negative associations, conflicts are commonly perceived unfavorably, leading to avoidance. The Conflict Transformation Workshop seeks to alter this perception by providing insights and techniques that can turn conflicts into opportunities for fostering relationship growth.

Participants will explore various conflict responses, analyze their own conflict patterns and reactions, and acquire and practice skills such as active listening and nonviolent dialogue.

Sowing for Peace recently hosted a Conflict Transformation Workshop at Iowa Grace Church on Saturday, December 2nd, from 2-5 pm. Here, we share some valuable insights provided by the participants


“My most significant realization was that conflict is not merely a problem requiring a solution; rather, it is an opportunity for transformation. I discovered the importance of acknowledging the other person’s love language, fostering care, and practicing consideration. I realized that cooperation and concessions may not always be the optimal response. Instead, I need to adopt a flexible approach based on the relationship’s significance and the desired outcome for that relationship. The learning experience was enriching, and I am truly grateful for gaining a fresh perspective.”

“I came to recognize the significance of expressing affection in the other person’s language. I’ve realized that I typically communicate my affection in my own way. It’s crucial for me to identify the other person’s language—the language of love—so that they can fully sense my affection. I learned about using ‘I-messages’ and intend to implement them in my communication. I acknowledged that my relationship with my child was somewhat constrained by a rigid structure, primarily relying on my authority for control. Now, I am eager to explore ways to involve him in decision-making and empower him with more control.”

“It introduced a fresh perspective on handling conflicts. I came to the realization that I should embrace various conflict types. It’s essential for me to actively listen to the other person’s feelings and needs, understanding how to nurture affection. This workshop prompted me to reconsider power dynamics as a potential source of conflict.”

“I once again recognized that relationships inevitably involve conflicts. However, the way we navigate through them can be the deciding factor between a relationship lasting or coming to an end. This realization emphasized the importance of not fearing conflicts but instead being proactive in addressing them. It became clear to me that I should actively develop and enhance my conflict management skills, as the nature of conflicts can range from minor issues to potentially evolving into significant problems based on my personality.”

“Exploring the various types of personal conflicts has deepened my understanding of the roots of my conflicts and illuminated my inner desires.”

“I’ve come to realize that my wife and I have distinct approaches to handling conflicts and different love languages. Recognizing the significance of embracing each other’s methods and love languages has been a valuable insight. I’ve gained numerous insights that I can now apply in our relationship.”

“It really helped me. I feel sorry about what happened before. I found out why the problem occurred, and I’ll do better in the future.”

“I recognized that resolving the conflict required significant effort on my part, and I also realized the importance of being more understanding towards the other person.”